Spring is the prettiest time of year here at the Paco Command Center. These young dogwoods are looking healthier since I thinned out some overgrown cedars.
A neighbor gave us some iris bulbs last year, and this aristocratic flower is strutting its stuff.
I've always liked orange azaleas, but never had any luck with them until this year.
You certainly have a green thumb, Paco. As opposed to my black thumb; I can't keep my lawn alive. I have replant it this year, after removing the dead grass.
ReplyDeleteJeffS --Pennington's blends are hard to kill. I'm using their patch mix right now to good effect.
ReplyDeletewatches the large bus marked 'Yobbo Tours' pull up, driven by a bespectacled Australian cackling "Revenge! Revenge! Party this!"
You know, Paco, you probably shouldn't announce your vacations on the Internet...
It's a struggle sometimes. We've got problems with slugs, and two years ago the Japanese beetles descended in force. We've also had some trouble with fungus in the lawn during periods of high humidity. Not yard related, really, but this morning I also had the pleasure of picking up some deer crap off the driveway.
ReplyDeleteRichard: Hah! That's where I've out-generaled them. I'm staying home this vacation.
ReplyDeleteHe's staying home simply because he couldn't find enough armed security for his bookcases.:)
ReplyDeletePennington is very good although it had never encountered the Yojimbo.
And summer has arrived in the desert southwest. Unrestrained joy.:(
Uh oh. Deer do do in the driveway doesn't bode well for the lilies.
ReplyDeleteMy lilies were Bambi's favorites until a neighbor lined his driveway with hostas.
Lovely iris, Paco.
"Richard: Hah! That's where I've out-generaled them. I'm staying home this vacation."
ReplyDeleteAnd your point?
looks at the prepared sapling holes.
Oi! Mates! I found the ice pits! Unload the XXXX!
Thanks, Richard, I'll look into Pennington. But when I say "replant the lawn", I mean the ENTIRE lawn.
ReplyDeleteIf my budget allowed it, I'd concrete my yard, paint it green, and hit it with a street sweeper monthly.
When Iris bulbs are growing,
ReplyDeleteAll the garden seems bright and gay.
And when orange azaleas are growing,
Sure they steal your heart away.
We ate our first cucumber of the season today. Picked it, washed it, cut it in half, & shared it with My Chief (ret). Damn fine. Noticed the hibiscus and potted ti plant are recovering well from the winter freezes. Other than that, I don't mess with much around here.
ReplyDeleteYOUR place is lovely, as was ours in SoMD...sigh...
JeffS- if that's the case, look in amazoy grass (ama-zoy? Google it.)
ReplyDeleteAnd why are there big holes full of ice all over Paco's lawn? Who are these people?
OH, crap,is that BLAIR?!
Paco that is one beautiful garden.
ReplyDeleteDogwoods (sigh). Those are one of my favorites. You certainly have several gifts, words and gardening. I'm envious of the splendor you call home. I'm sure that I'd get over seeing bambi in the yard about the first time there was bambi poo.
ReplyDeleteWait! Idea alert! There are folks with a shortage of bambi who pay dearly for organic bovine fertilizer. One woman started a company selling stuff from cows that were rescued on their way to slaughter. It's high priced, but hey, it's from Malibu with a story attached. Of course, she does add the New Age twist, but you can nail that by praying over it during a full moon. Paco's Premium Poo...from the forest with love! You'll make a mint!
Deborah Leigh
Deborah: I remember reading somewhere that the San Diego Zoo markets (or used to market, anyway) elephant manure under the name "Zoo Doo".
ReplyDeleteUhh, Paco...Not that I will ever be there, but umm, should that happen remind me never to eat any candy at Paco Landing.
ReplyDelete(make a mint, out of..well
Paco, thought ZooDoo was marketed by the Profoundly Aromatic Compost Organization...