Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You mean thar ain't no gold in them thar hills?

Rep. Ron Paul (R - sort of - Texas) thinks maybe there isn't any gold in Fort Knox.

Heh. Someday I'll have to post a photo of the shiny new back-splash in my kitchen (shoulda kept the doors locked, fellas!)


  1. Ron Paul: an enigma inside of a puzzle missing quite a few pieces.

  2. My son-in-law's father (RIP) heatedly insisted that George Bush sold all the gold in Ft. Knox, forgetting that this same story was circulated about Lyndon Johnson way back when. Is the gold in Ft. Knox still there? I don't know. Does it matter? I don't know that either.

  3. JeffS, that's the best description of Ron Paul that I've ever heard! His followers are equally puzzling. Wonder if it's merely a lack of critical thinking, or something else.

    That being said, it sure would be nice to see what's in there. But this is going to go about as far as his audit efforts. Hey! Maybe we can send Geraldo Rivera. He has experience with valts, right?

    Deborah Leigh

  4. Deborah, we could always send wronwright and Paco in the Tardis, and they could take photos.

  5. Merilyn, they'd take the Tardis back to when LBJ was President, and lift all the gold after they took the pictures.

    Who do you think is in charge of Rumor Control™, after all?

    TW: trink. Yup, that would be a trinket to Paco Enterprises.

  6. Oh, and Deb: I've been known say that about LaRouche as well. Ronulans and Larouchies, two peas in a pod, as far as I'm concerned.

  7. If LBJ didn't get my money is on Soros ;-)


  8. Apparently, no one saw the documentary called "Goldfinger" ...


  9. Uh oh, just reread Paco's words, "shiny new back splash", looks like he and wronwright have already been there........
    [I'm having a break from weeding the garden].

  10. As a frequenter of gold bug type forums, I've heard this one from time to time. Could say that the quiet but steady increasing of security around the facility at Fort Knox is evidence that the gold is still there, but then again a conspiracy guy could say it's about keeping out people who could find out the truth. That's the trouble with secrets: they're secret.

    There was a bit of a gold shortage at Westpoint a year or two ago. Not the same thing, but interesting (in a gold buggy kind of way, you understand).

  11. Wouldn't hurt to check.

    Of course to do so you'd need top men.


    Top men.

    ... and experts.

  12. Hmmmm. Paco's always been pretty cagey about his full name... let me check the Northern Virginia phone directory... hey, what's this entry?

    Auric Goldpaco... naaaaah, couldn't be...

  13. Steve: Hey! That's supposed to be unlisted!

  14. JeffS, "Ronulans" is a much better name than "Paulers", Paulies" or "Paulites". Thank you!

    Merilyn, notice that Paco hasn't weighed in, and Wron is missing. Just saying.

    Deborah Leigh

  15. You are right Deborah, so we will have to keep an eye on Paco and wronwright, so if they sneak off some where, we can follow them to the gold.

  16. Anonymous, my favorite term for them is "Rondroids."
