Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rush Limbaugh has a warning for Republicans

Why a victory on November 2 may not be a pardon, but only a temporary stay of execution for the Republican Party (H/T: Kathy Shaidle).

Update: Some additional perspective from Smitty.

Update II: Sisu has a good post on the concept of disintermediating the brass hats and their umbrella organizations.


  1. I think this time it may be different. The knives have come out, and they're not likely to be put away after this election.

  2. I'm planning on sending an e-mail to the new House leadership, if the election falls that way, clearly pointing out to them that I didn't vote pre-Reublican, I voted pro-conservative/rational/honest. In general, but not exclusively, anti-incumbent.

    That doesn't mean I won't vote PURE anti-incumbent next time, if the GOP doesn't wise up.

  3. I agree with JeffS. I think the next order of the day after the election is to begin a letter/email barrage of newly elected congress critters, reminding them that what we did this time, we can do again.

  4. And if we have to do it again we will. The Tea Partiers won't go back to sleep after November 2nd, and two years is plenty of time to find alternative candidates to the political class.


    PS & OT: I see Tim Blair is in the US. Either stock up the liquor cabinet or double lock it, Paco.

  5. SwampMan has taken advantage of early voted. He voted against every incumbent and, except for Rubio and governor, voted for third party candidates.

  6. "No, no - don't shoot him. You'll only make him angry..."
    -- Blazing Saddles

    The Beast is awake, and pissed. But you can't see it from David Brook's penthouse, or the Capitol area's elite watering holes. But it's a-comin'...

    "You better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone"
    -- Little Bobby Zimmerman

    See ya in November, assholes. And December. And January...

    As long as it takes.
