Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The tragedy of being an honest cop in Mexico

When the criminal element can get away with something like this, you are looking at a failed state.


  1. Think I was exaggerating about the shooting war?

  2. those of us who are informed do know that mexico is a failed state. while war with mexico may seem extreme, we must do more at the border. this lake - as commenters in the article have pointed out - should be patrolled by the coast guard. and the mexican government should be held accountable.

  3. Mexico was a failed state years ago. When I was stationed at Fort Bliss, gringos going more than 50 miles or so south of the border were at risk of death, unless they stayed in certain zones, or paid off the local police.

    Of late, the Mexican government is simply showing signs of a final collapse. About all they haven't done is to decide whether to view the cartels as competition, or as partners.

  4. Canadian troops protect the border with Mexico: http://www.strathconas.ca/photoasqn_fortbliss_2008.php


  5. Watch them blame this on Tiffany Hartley, too.

  6. Haven't heard all that much about this, [come to think of it haven't read much about what is going on in Mexico either, only what I pick up here], but are people trying to say the wife did it?
