Friday, March 11, 2011

Aimee Semple Pelosi

The government apparently has “the biblical power to cure.” Nancy Pelosi will now lead us in prayer:

Heal, Father! In thy just wrath, strike down these heathen Republicans who would transgress thy holy law, dispossessing thy children of the taxpayer gravy that thou hast made a cornerstone of thy covenant with thy chosen interest groups. Do thou tread on their vile red necks, grinding their faces into the ordure of their kin, the jackals and the wild pigs, and clothe thy children in the righteous armor of federal entitlements, forever and ever, Amen.”


  1. Having recently nearly lost Mr. H to the forces of nature, the last thing on my mind is, and never was, the "biblical" power of government to "heal". Considering my own fairly uncertain hold on life, I don't look to Saint Nancy to preserve me into the middle of the century, not even with her prodigious powers of fund raising.

    Pelosicrats stubbornly cling to the belief that Big and Bigger Government has the power to miraculously heal. Or maybe they're just being gulled by a cynical old bitch who worships only money and the power it gives her.

  2. Substitute "bats**t crazy" for "cynical", Rebecca, and you are spot on.

  3. Paco! You've done the impossible - you've found the one woman in leadership possibly more morally reprehensible than Pelosi! Aimee Semple McPherson was the main feature of my scary stories to my little ones many years ago.

    Did you ever see the Columbo episode where Johnny Cash is the murderer? If so, do you think the nasty preacher lady was modelled on Kathryn Kuhlmann?

  4. Ha - only in government is a failure to provide an increase a "cut".

  5. Hallelujah sister! Praise the baseline budget and pass the pork.

  6. Nancy Pelosi sure has a way with words!
