Monday, April 25, 2011

What does David Brooks say when he talks in his sleep?

I imagine his somnolent mutterings sound very like his wakeful blather:
“[Obama is] multiple animals,” Brooks said. “You know, I would say we’re all – we all have multiple personalities. My psychobabble description of him is he’s a very complicated person who has many different selves, all of them authentic, but they come out in different contexts. And he is — has always has [sic] the ability to look at other parts of himself from a distance, and so it means he has great power to self-correct and I think it gives him power to see himself. It means that he rarely is all in.”
Brooks is starting to sound like a teenage boy who has fallen hard for a selfish, narcissistic girl whose interest in him is limited to getting the occasional lift to the mall because her car’s in the shop. He’s now reduced to making ridiculous excuses in defense of a president who is a cold, calculating ideologue, completely lacking in genuine charm, and so thoroughly arrogant that he is practically indifferent to his increasing reputation for mendacity and fecklessness.

Obama may, indeed, be “multiple animals”, but the only one which need concern us is the leopard that is not about to change its ideological spots.


  1. Oh wow, maaaaaan, who ate all the Doritos? Dude, that is, like, so uncool!

    (Fifteen minute interlude of giggling)

    Dude, check this out: what if you could run so fast that you'd catch up to yourself? Whoa!

  2. Part badger, part wolverine, part skunk.

  3. David Brooks: Incoherent to all save himself.

  4. Well, technically, a pack of hyenae IS multiple animals...

  5. Yojimbo
    Wisconsin-Michigan-?Washington DC?


  6. Hey Dave - could you get some glasses that are, oh I dunno, a little gayer?...
