Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Some folks get wagyu steak with their peas

Special interests - corporate interests, mind you – are taking advantage of a legal loophole to pump millions of dollars into the capacious pockets of our (or rather, “our”) elected officials:
Federal law limits how much corporate political action committees (PACs) can give to members of Congress, but high-powered K Street lobbyists have found a loophole that enables them to give an estimated $50 million to senators and representatives.

The gifts are in the form of dinners honoring the congressmen, according to the Sunlight Foundation, which released a report today describing how lobbyists are using the loophole to direct millions of dollars to influential members of Congress. Executive branch officials, including the president, can also be honored by such events.
And once again, we find capitalists standing in line to sell rope to the socialist hangman:
The biggest spenders were Chevron and Wal-Mart, which donated $2.9 million and $2.2 million respectively. And the biggest recipients were the Congressional Black Caucus with over $6 million, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus with over $4 million and President Barack Obama with over $1 million.

Nine of the top 10 recipients were Democrats, or in the case of the two ethnic caucus groups, heavily oriented to the Democratic Party.
The “partnership” between government and the private sector is rapidly becoming nothing but a protection racket ultimately paid for by the taxpayer. The unprivileged citizenry needs to recognize that it is fighting a war against the nanny state on numerous fronts.

Related: Jeff Immelt, complete Obama stooge.


JeffS said...

Immelt should throw some of that cash he gives to Democrats at the businesses he's lambasting.

Putting his money where his mouth is, as it were.

bingbing said...

No use moving to Australia, either. Our government also is doing a right royal job of completely stuffing the place up.