Thursday, December 29, 2011

George Washington writes a letter to President Obama

Dear Mr. President:

Although it is two hundred years, and more, since I laid down the cares of an eventful temporal existence and took up residence in my long home, Our Gracious Lord has seen fit to bestow upon my spirit the gift of perpetual cognition, and He has granted the further boon of permitting me, for a few moments, to assume sufficient corporeality to pen this letter, which I place before Your Excellency as the cri de coeur of a patriot whose efforts on behalf of his country have been deemed by its citizens to possess no little significance.

I have watched, frequently with pride and joy, occasionally with grave misgivings and sadness, the arc of our country’s history over two centuries, since those of my generation first established that Orchard of Liberty on the North American continent that would become the envy of the world. Over many seasons that Orchard has borne good fruit, and has flourished in the golden light of our Sacred Constitution. In evil times, this Arboreal Garden has been watered with the blood of heroes, which sustenance has served to make it even hardier and more prolific.

Imagine my consternation then, Sir, when I look upon our Orchard today, and see the fruit withering on the branch, the crowns blighted, and the whole cloaked in the gauzy shrouds of assiduously destructive bagworms. How slothful and inattentive have become the arborists who constitute what my friend Thomas Jefferson referred to as our natural aristoi! What bovine complacency has afflicted a once alert and industrious citizenry! And – Your Excellency will pardon the boldness of one who was present at the creation – what pernicious and invidious husbandry doth your own administration display!

Under the sanction of what right, divine or human, do you and those of your faction undertake to transform a free people into a herd of lowing cattle? By what law, constitutional or legislative, do you and your like-minded philosophes propose to turn a great nation into a vast ward for the feeble-witted, or a prison for three hundred millions of debtors? You join with hordes of warlike Musselmen to beset our Hebrew brethren with chimerical demands, your Department of Justice - Justice, sirrah! – has taken pride of place amongst the criminal caste, and everywhere your rapacious clerks and petit judges harass honest citizens with encroachments on their liberties from which even His Late Majesty, George the Third, would have recoiled in disgust.

Our Garden is become a tangled bed of weeds and thorns as those of your school have beggared the working man, and stood as highwayman to the banker and merchant. Our system of public education is like unto an academy for the teaching of treason, and a university for the manufacture of a large class of impertinent mendicants for whom the taxpayers must serve as unwilling almoners in perpetuity. And you strive, through cunning and secret stratagems, to disarm the people, thereby subjecting them to the caprice of an all-powerful central government, in one stroke imposing tyranny and depriving the citizenry of the capacity for resisting it.

In spite of this accumulation of political felonies, you have had the temerity, the astonishing rind, to posit an intellectual and spiritual kinship with several of your distinguished predecessors. I note, with considerable relief, that you have not as yet presumed to impute to me the same act of bastardy with which you have sought to malign the honor of these illustrious gentlemen. I caution you never to do so, for, in the event, I would bargain with Almighty God that I should pass an hundred years in purgatory in exchange for the grace of an hour in which to call upon you, to offer the choice of sword or pistol.

Your most obedient servant,

George Washington


  1. Sword or pistol, Obama would soil his shorts either way.

  2. Just an astonishing tour de force, replete with the wordship of the day to make it complete. I think this is your best ever.

    "Astonishing rind" Perfectly put!

    "Impertinent medicants", indeed, sir!

  3. Thanks, YoJ. A pinch of snuff, Sir?

  4. Don't thank me. You wrote it, I just read it.

    Your post, along with many others, set me to thnking(whoa, deploy the dusters!)

    With your talent and current location, you could very well become the Samuel Pepys of your age, with a satirical and comical twiest. Have you ever considered such an enterprise? Watching political appointees trying to fit their peculiar mindset on an ongoing functioning organization with a stated mission.
    could be very interesting..

  5. I, for one, have no doubt that the father of our country, looking down from his heavenly home, is smiling approvingly at your splendid ghost writing.

    And saying quietly: "Nailed it, Paco"

  6. YoJ: That is a very interesting idea. The only problem is, I would have to exert myself to quite an extent in order to circulate among even the minor movers and shakers, and I have developed an almost automatic revulsion for practically all politicians and bureaucrats. Still, something to think about...

    R-Man: Can you imagine how utterly horrified the Founding Fathers would be if they could actually observe our modern political system and its major actors? I'd give a good piece of the Paco Enterprises fortune to turn John Adams or Thomas Jefferson loose for a week or two and read their essays on - just for starters - government spending.

  7. Sword or pistol? Janet Napolitano is going after you!

  8. Can you imagine how utterly horrified the Founding Fathers would be...

    And saddened. I know I am by turn, horrified, disgusted, amazed, and saddened by what this President does while leading from behind.

    I find myself at times wishing there were some way to divide this country between those with common sense, and liberals.

    But, I guess we're stuck with'em.

  9. Dear Sir -

    I have just read with great interest your most remarkable correspondance. It is a surpassing accomplishment, and I doubt not but that many in the several States of the Union should profit greatly from a similar perusal. Publish, Sir, I urge you; and by whatsoever presses or copyists are common to your time and station, send you forth this missive far and wide to the unhappy citizens who, now as they did in our time, deserve and cherish as their Inalienable Rights, those of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

    In the unfortunate event that this is not sufficient to the task of rousing those who are laggard or complicit in the practice of tyranny and rapine: call upon me - and I shall happily furnish lengthy and voluminous manuscripts to this noble undertaking.

    I remain your most Humble and Obediant Servant,

    Alexander Hamilton

  10. You're not going to start ending your missives with "And so to bed" now, are you? And as for messing about with the servants...

  11. By God, sir, I believe you have channeled the very man himself!

  12. astonishing! well done, Paco. I agree with yojimbo - probably your best ever.

  13. And I can but think what reaction Jefferson would have to the current left's use of his letter to that Danbury Baptist Association as an excuse to wage a war on our religious traditions. He would probably be right in line with Washington for the swords or pistols.

  14. Bravo, well written.

    Now if you could just change a few things so that it would be about the PM of Australia you would be greeted with cheers.

    No wonder Obama and Julia get along so well, they are so alike.

  15. Beautifully written.

  16. Simply had to share with my FB friends. Outstanding! Bravo

  17. The constitution is a "Sacred" document? I thought the canon of scripture was closed long before it was written. It is the writing of men, not God. We had better be back to God's book if we want to be safe and whole as a nation.

    2 Chronicles 7:14
    If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

  18. George Washington, B. Hussein Obama's "most obedient servant." What a frightening thought.

  19. Dave: See definitions 1b, 2b and 5a.

    LindaK: Simply a standard closing common to 18th century letters; certainly not to be taken literally!

  20. Clever stuff!
    I note that poster Marilyn has expressed much of what three quarters of Australians think about The POTUS with our "NonDear Leader",so I
    ll just wonder what such amissive here to her would be like, it should have to come from on R G Menzies, as our towering conservative figure, though even one of her "own" such as Ben Chifley would make mincemeat of the Drawling Bogan

  21. Merilyn and Jazza, I was thinking exactly the same thing about my adopted homeland (Australia) and my natural home (New Zealand). What would Governor Lachlan Macquarie or Sir Henry Parkes have written to Ju-Liar? What would Hobson, or Sid Holland say to John Key? Doubtless their words would be very similar to those of Washington to B. Hussein Obama.

  22. I wonder what TOTUS will have to say in response.

  23. Paco, first time to the blog, saw the link and....brilliant.

    My father was a refugee from the Nazis, my maternal grandparents from the Czar and the 1905 Revolution in Russia...they LOVED this country in a way that Washington would understand; they appreciated freedom, real freedom, and never took it for granted. Were they still alive, they too would be sickened at what we've become.

    About 6 years ago, I was looking at a book about Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler, at a suburban Chicago bookstore, when a Polish immigrant sidled up to me and began talking to me. He said that Americans had no idea what freedom was about anymore, that America would be lost. And this was BEFORE the execrable Leninist Obama (anyone can argue, but his recent Osawatomie speech put to rest any lingering doubt in anyone who has any knowledge at all of Marxism).

    Going to send your post to a number of is saying what we all feel but in a highly original way. Thanks.

  24. How have such small men and women come to decide the husbandry of the Orchard?
    I look at the state of the Union these days and am reminded of Lincoln:
    If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

  25. I stumbled upon your blog and am most glad I did. Such a beautifully written essay to exemplify the distance that a once mighty, proud and intelligent nation has sadly fallen. Unfortunately, the Western world has succumbed to the insidious cancer that is cultural Marxism. No greater proof of this than the leader of the free world being a staunch adherent of such a tyrannical ideology. The chaos and suffering required by deluded ideologues to implement a depraved regime worldwide will only end when the good Lord Himself descends upon us to make judgement, cast out the unholy and sanctify the righteous.

    No man can alter God's ultimate will.

    God bless you Paco and all the best for the New Year.

  26. A true tour du force, Paco. Thanks and a very happy New Year to you.

  27. Thanks to Crusader Rabbit- I have been introduced to your site---


  28. The Gant Guy said..."Merilyn and Jazza, I was thinking exactly the same thing about my adopted homeland (Australia) and my natural home (New Zealand). What would Governor Lachlan Macquarie or Sir Henry Parkes have written to Ju-Liar? What would Hobson, or Sid Holland say to John Key? Doubtless their words would be very similar to those of Washington to B. Hussein Obama."

    More importantly, what would the shades of the men of Gallipoli, the Windmill, Tobruk, Coral Sea, Scarlet Beach, the Ruhr night skies, Kapyong, FB Coral, some shithole in A'stan, be thinking now, watching their and our beloved land being raped by sick venal pieces of shit?

  29. I can only imagine, Sailor. My grandfather served on the Leander in WWII and I can't help but think our elites are betraying everything he and his peers fought, bled and died for.

  30. Sir:

    You have been linked. Thank you for excellent writing.

    And I could not link directly to this post from our Facebook page. I had to link indirectly. I can't say if you have angered the Facebook masters, or if it's a simple software glitch. I merely mention this as an interesting fact, to be filed and perhaps used later.

  31. Thanks to all for the kind words and links. If I'd known so many people were going to read this thing, I'd've polished it up a bit.

  32. Why polish what is already shining so brightly as to cause Leftist eyes to go blind?

    A Hearty Huzzah, Paco [and a Happy New Year to you and yours].


  33. Paco, Isophorone sent me on over here via an email to the Virginia Virtucon group, and I just wanted to say


    I posted this on Facebook, and have shared it with some family members, and just loveloveloveLOVE it!!!

    I'm hoping that my buddies Kender, GM Roper, Ogre, and several others swing by to read as well.

    Best wishes for a wonderful New Year and keep writing excellent stuff like this! ;-)

  34. Thank you, Kat. Glad you liked it. Best wishes to you and yours.

  35. Followed a Facebook link to your site and was in no way disappointed.

    What a fantastic piece of writing this "letter" is.

    I will be visiting often.

  36. Add me to the list of admirers of this post. First timer here as well. Came over from directorblues' link on his award list and AoSHQ before that.

    Well done sir!

  37. Wow. Most worthy of the reward and praise it received.
