Friday, January 6, 2012

Cli-Fi Man

If the government is going to be throwing money away on something called “environmental justice”, shouldn’t we at least get a superhero out of it?

“Sorry, Brandi, looks like there’s no time for a massage after all. The Commissioner has just flashed the dead polar bear sign in the sky and I've gotta go. Hi-yo Kyoto!”


  1. I don't mean to distract from the point of your post, Paco....but that has to be the worst photoshop job ever!

    And if you did it, well, you're a really good writer.

  2. Not mine, old fellow. "Borrowed".

  3. rinardman, if you want believability, get someone to photoshop Gorezilla onto this war hero.

    As for "environmental justice".....that's another governmental oxymoron. An expensive one that undermines the country, but an oxymoron nonetheless.

  4. While I shudder and ignore that god-awful photo, may I ask, Mr. Paco, that when you are president, you'll put a stop to this?

  5. Here he comes to save the day!
    Ra(m)bid Man is on his way!

  6. "Plug in the climatemobile Kyato, we have to be 40 miles away in 24 hours!"

  7. Deborah Leigh said... Why is it when a Conservative tries to give a message it's called brainwashing, but when it's the Lefties it is kinese-something-or-other.

    Oh, and don't you like the Greenies ranting about 500 years of oppression, colonization,and genocide, blah, blah, bla while applying for grants on their tools that wouldn't have been possible if the Europeans didn't arrive. Tell me about that buffalo jump, and the peaceful before.

  8. Deborah Leigh said... Maybe we could get a grant to take the Edison bulbs off their hands...and out of the landfill. Where do I apply? Guess we have to have a spiffy name for the organization. Ideas, anyone?
