Monday, January 9, 2012

Great new meme!

Moonbattery, inspired by the site, HTTP Status Cats – which features HTTP status codes illustrated with humorous cat pictures – is carrying the idea a step farther by applying the concept to the Obama administration. I now proceed to get in on the act:

(Jay Carney, White House spokesman)

And keep your fingers crossed...


  1. I like it!

    Btw, that status cats site is hilarious.

  2. Michelle-416

    "requested range not satisfiable"

  3. Little Timmy Geithner
    418 - I'm a Teapot

  4. 404 is sad.

    Catallaxy has some scary quotes from Paul Krugman et al, about taking the US even further into debt, which you won't read anywhere else. Wow, just wow. Frightening.

    Mark Steyn is here and I think most here will agree with his take on the US economy.
