Sunday, January 1, 2012

How crony capitalism works

Leaving aside, for the moment, the irony of President Barack Obama - who frequently gives the impression that he looks upon himself as a considerably more hip, charismatic and telegenic version of Eugene V. Debs - working hand in glove with Wall St. banks and major corporations to divvy up government-subsidized favors in exchange for political donations, one still wonders at the actual mechanics of the process. How does the president prioritize and divide the taxpayer spoils?

It's a simple matter, really, as revealed in this video captured by Paco World News Daily (PWN'D). Note, incidentally, the superior wheeling and dealing of GE's Jeffrey Immelt at approximately the 32-second mark.


  1. Clearly, clearly what is need here is a new government program-Panderers Auctioning Citizens' Output. We need a crony capitalism open outcry auction system where businesses, government agencies, unions and nonprofits could bid political contributions for new programs, grants or loans.

    Hey! It's transparent! Another obvious advantage to this is the necessity for a host of new government agencies to regulate the activity and vouch for the financial stability of the bidders. We don't want any MF Globals in this arena, oh no we don't.

  2. We need another government agency to handle this: Privileged Acquisition of Government Obligations.

    Oh, and I have an ugly confession to make....dammit...

    I was polite to Sandra Bernhard today. It was an accident, I swear to God,Man...

  3. See how upset I am? I couldn't even spell PACO right. Make that Communinity, not Government.

  4. I like the fact that you can be polite to the scumsuckers, richard. It shows Character.

  5. IT WAZ AN ACCIDENT, I TELLZ YA! I was in the coffee shop and I heard someone ask a question about the WiFi and I turned around and answered it and there she was not a foot away! I SWEARZ I didn't mean it!

  6. Richard: Your presence at headquarters is desired immediately. And, er, bring your playbook.

  7. In the coffee shop eh? Right.

  8. Your playbook AND the VRWC Magic Decoder Ring.

  9. Richard, you might want to borrow the tardis, for a little....shall we say, history adjustment.

  10. rinardman -- I would never do anything so unprincipled and self-serving, but I did take it for a scheduled calibration run, and while I was back there President Clinton told me she didn't think it would be a problem...

  11. Well, as a duly-certified Political Activity Conservation Officer, I can tell you that much more oversight is clearly needed. MUCH more.

    Say, 8 rows back on the 50-yard line...

    SB: docify
    To turn into a doc

  12. Oh dear, always the mention of Mr. Immeult. I am an employee of a Global Enterprise and although I would like to apologise for Global Enterprise global type people putting their noses so far up famous politicians arses that they cannot distinguish the color of their own nose, I cannot accept that all Global Enterprises, and their employees, are bad, just because of a single rotten egg.

  13. Anon: No offense intended to all the many no doubt honorable employees of, er, "Global Enterprise". The comment was directed specifically at Immelt.
