Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Poor Mexico

Joe Bendel reviews El Sicario, Room 164, a documentary on the Mexican drug cartels, over at Libertas (fascinating video clip included). The movie consists primarily of a lengthy interview with a former sicario, or professional killer, that takes place in a hotel room somewhere in the desert border country. Bendel’s conclusion? “If just half of what the sicario says is true, then the drug war is over in Mexico. The cartels won.” The reviewer also notes:
Frankly, it makes it pretty clear narco-terrorist warlords have taken over the country. This is not happening in remote Afghanistan, but along our southern border. It is also evident the current administration is not capable of thinking sufficiently strategically over the long term to combat them in any meaningful way. Sending them a bunch of free guns as part of Operation Fast & Furious just is not going to do it.
Eric Holder obviously didn’t create the drug problem in Mexico and the U.S., but he still has one hell of a lot to answer for. Putting guns into the hands of these animals was indefensible on any score.


  1. Eric Holder doesn't care about the drug war in Mexico, nor does Obama. That whole Fast & Furious fiasco was solely to promote disarming American citizens. Neither one of those fools have enough intelligence between them to think how Mexico might have been affected.

  2. "Sending them a bunch of free guns as part of Operation Fast & Furious just is not going to do it."

    Wait a minute, I thought they SOLD those guns to the cartels. You know, to reduce the federal deficit and stuff.

  3. Stoop Dave: Well, that didn't work, did it?

  4. Just think how bad the deficit would have been if they hadn't.

    /this post sponsored by the universal narrative marching and chowder society.

  5. The Brazilians are being a little more agressive about the narcos; sending in the marines. If I can dig up the videos again, I'll post them.

  6. The Mexicans have done a fair amount of that too.

    If so many Americans did not want to render themselves artificially psychotic the drug problem would be much less and the cartels unprofitable. Because Americans are unable to control their impulses to fry their brains people are dying and scum are enriched. Perhaps it is time to throw in the towel and make narcotics legal, so that those who want to make themselves psychotic can do so at a fraction of the price, thereby defunding the narcoterrorists and our Islamist enemies at the same time.

  7. Tempting Mr. Lonie, very tempting.
    My solution, to extrapolate, would be to construct gas chambers, and guide those young feeble minds in at the first sign of weakness.

    Yes legalize drugs now, think of the job opportunities for sweepers of the dead.

    Throw in the towel, by all means!
    What is a human soul when there is no God?
    It's all nothing, but neither are you.

  8. That's right Mr. Lonie and our other atheist brothers, don't bother fighting if someone falls into the rapids just legalize apathy, like the Eloi in that Time Machine movie.

  9. Well Jonah, we've been fighting the "War on Drugs" for at least thirty years that I know of and so far, drugs are winning.

    Gas chambers eh? And you deride me as denigrating the human soul or legislating apathy? You could get a position as professor of chutzpah at any Ivy League university tomorrow; they need such people in schools of journalism. It's not the Lord who put such an idea into your head, but some other supernatural being entirely.
