Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Honesty really is the best policy

Kathy Shaidle, proprietor of the Five Feet of Fury blog, never minces words – which, no doubt, earns her the ire of a host of PC types who find truth – hard or soft – difficult to swallow.

But her uncompromising candidness sometimes pays off in unexpected ways. For example, here is an email pertaining to black-on-black crime she received from a black man living in Detroit. It is a genuine cri de coeur, in which Kathy’s correspondent expresses his gratitude that somebody is paying attention to the horrible pathologies of the inner city, and their tragic results.


  1. Applause to that brave and intelligent man in Detroit. I wish we had more like him.

  2. He's a worthy man, fighting an uphill battle. I wish him the best.

  3. Sorta like the guy standing in front of that Chinese tank.

  4. That link messed up, but copy and paste please, to see Wikipedia article.

    Individual crabs can't escape, any who try are dragged back in, but they could all escape if they worked together.

  5. The single thing I will credit Barack Obama for: America is now having that honest conversation that Eric Holder said we were too cowardly to do. For it make any difference, it has to be honest on both sides, though, so I wonder how Holder and Obama are liking it?
