Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Like what, a famine bomb?

North Korea claims that it has weapons that can strike the U.S.


Yojimbo said...

They do have. They're called biologicals and they can be transferred by diplomatic pouch. Wouldn't be so cavalier about this, this stuff is more dangerous than the big boom-boom.

JeffS said...

Yojimbo is correct.

Plus, they could mount their short range rockets (which are copies of Soviet missiles, like the SCUD, and do work) on a modified freighter. Which would then sail into range of North America.

Don't laugh -- the Norks have a merchant fleet. They need one, to bring in those luxuries for their ruling class. I saw 'em several times, docked in Kuwait and Qatar.

RebeccaH said...

Once I believed that if North Korea ever attacked us, it would cease to exist as a country. Now I'm not sure the Dogeater-in-Chief would do anything about it.

mojo said...

China's mean dog. Also, China's problem. To semi-quote the Duke, "I'm not gonna talk to those idiots, I'm gonna come see YOU."

richard mcenroe said...

Actually they had Jerry Brown send them a pail of California sand which they spread about fifty yards from the the launch pad. So when they claim they can reach American soil...

richard mcenroe said...

JeffS They don't need to mess with their short range rockets. The Russians have built a cruise missile system that fits inside a standard shipping container. They can launch from Long Beach Harbor...

Anonymous said...

Deborah Leigh said...After watching their "school science project" fail again, this claim only leads to initial laughter. But on a second thought, there are several parties who would aid in NK in their endeavor. They know we are stretched thin, and being further thinned by military cuts.

One more reason we have to get Obama and his ilk out.

Michael Lonie said...

They're tough talking blowhards, aren't they?

The problem with all the non-forceful action against NorK is that when the NorK's finally decide that the jig is up, they are likely to start a war to seize the wealth of ROK in order to last a few more years. That will create a huge mess, possibly, even probably an nuclear one, for I think NorK will go nuclear from the start because otherwise they have no hope of winning. It will not occur to them that their war will destroy the wealth they want to steal. It does not occur to China that they will get mixed up in that war, to their detriment.

A competent diplomatic service, if we had one, would persuade the Chinese that they are much safer with a ROK governed Korea, even if it is a democracy that might give the Chinese people ideas (can't have that, can we?). So the thing that needs doing is bringing down the NorK government and state. A way to do this might be simply to open the borders with China and Russia. All Koreans who make it across will be relocated to ROK. Enough people may flood out to make the NorK regime collapse, as East Germany did.

The alternative to overthrow is probably a hideous nuclear war with immense bloodshed. Overthrow is preferable.

kc said...

As Deborah mentioned, military is being cut to the bone. That wouldn't worry me so much if the services didn't seem to be run by chickens & scaredy-cats & 'diplomats.' Reading the base paper, with remarks from the CNO a few weeks ago nearly made me lose my lunch. Diversity management is a priority...not war-fighting? GAH! I think we got out just in time...

JeffS said...

The thing about the ruling class Norks is that they are committed to the plan. They have no other option than to ride the tiger they created. That tiger will collapse at any time, and I imagine that they have to know so.

But to fix North Korea, the ruling class Norks would have to admit to failure, and then subjugate themselves to international leadership. These people are The Ultimate Lefties, and thus would never admit to error. Not to mention, about 30 seconds after they made the announcement, their surviving subjects would fall upon them in murderous rage. Those Nork "elite" have to know this.

China isn't much better when it comes to their leadership. They supported NoKo at first because they were all comrades in arms against the capitalistic pig-dogs of the decadent Western nations. Now that NoKo is one collective basket case, China is refusing to man up. Not to mention, they don't want Nork refugees streaming across their border.

I suspect that we could trigger a meltdown of the Nork regime simply by parachuting massive amounts of food, clothing, basic medicines all over North Korea, with a simple message stenciled on the boxes: "We'll feed your for 10 years, and build a new economy. But we can't until you depose the current NoKo government".

That would result in a bloodbath, but Michael Lonie has the right of it, this won't end well at all. So why not try to tip the balances in our favor?

Which will never happen, of course. But it's worth mentioning.

Minicapt said...

I think they will try to 'friend' President Obama, and then 'follow' him.


richard mcenroe said...

One good thing. If the Norks do attack us, North Korea will finally be visible from space at night...