Monday, May 14, 2012


Ed Lasky discusses Edward Klein’s new book, The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House.

So, what we long suspected is true: our president is a kind of political idiot savant whose special skill, if any, unfortunately has nothing to do with governing.
One of the motifs that runs throughout the book is Barack Obama's sheer level of incompetency. He has the fatal conceit of many politicians: an overweening ego. That may be a prerequisite for politicians and leaders, but when it is unleavened by a willingness to consider the views of others, it becomes a fatal conceit. And Obama has that trait in abundance.
Anybody else thinking Dunning-Kruger effect? And talk about ingratitude:
Even Oprah Winfrey has been stiff-armed by the Obamas. According to the book, Oprah took a big risk in supporting Obama in 2008 and campaigning for Obama in Iowa, being a big boost in his campaign. The ratings for her show weakened significantly (and her new network has been a huge disappointment). But when she has tried to visit the White House, she has been all but treated as persona non grata. Apparently, Michelle Obama is a possessive person who fears the influence Oprah may have over Barack Obama (more on this below). Oprah blames it on Michelle's anti-obesity campaign. She is quoted as saying, "Michelle hates fat people and doesn't want me waddling around the White House."
So, let’s think about all of this. Obama seems to possess many, if not most, of the following characteristics:

not learning from experience
no sense of responsibility
inability to form meaningful relationships
inability to control impulses
lack of moral sense
chronically antisocial behavior
no change in behavior after punishment
emotional immaturity
lack of guilt

Well, it’s probably just a coincidence, but that list happens to constitute the basic definition of a sociopath.

On the other hand, maybe it’s not a coincidence. I think we need to get rid of this guy before he kills us.


  1. Agreed. And the wife he rode in on.

  2. The moment Obama was elected POTUS I thought the U.S.A. was doomed.
    There's just something ... vile and rotten about the man.
    He also hates you.
    It's as if God's judgment came calling in the form of Beelzebub himself.
    He's not done with you yet; narcissistic sociopaths don't take rejection well at all.
    Good luck.


  3. Speaking of "clueless", what are the characteristics of the people who look at the same Obama we do and see a saviour, not a charlatan?

    I'm thinking mainly of the "best of the best" in the MSM. How can they claim to be so good at what they do, and yet so miserably fail at reading Obama for what he is?

  4. I'm with rinardman. I'm most amazed by how so much of the Left and most Democrats seem to hang in there and resolutely refuse to see *any* downside to Obama and his policies.

    Evidently they still see him as a savior.

    OTOH, I have a few friends who are not so hard-core Left or Dem and who appear to be slowly peeling away. Ignoring the obvious is hard.

  5. Many of those democrats who still consider him a savior think exactly as he does.

    They are statist class struggle, socialists who were taught by the very same people he was.

  6. "Michelle hates fat people and doesn't want me waddling around the White House." - Has Mrs President looked at her own expansive derrière lately? The words wide load spring to mind.

  7. Has the "If Romney wins in November I'm leaving" talk begun yet?
    The Sarandons and the Moores might find France quite congenial under their new President.

  8. Good heavens with that list you just described Julia Gillard, no wonder she gets on so well with Obama.
