Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Do you fear for your life?

Are you afraid of aggressive litterbugs, bizarre ingrates, or felonious progressives?

Then permit me to to recommend the Kimber line, a fine choice for personal defense.

And if you live in a state which sensibly acknowledges the right to bear arms - and if you don't, you should! - check out the laws on concealed carry. I live in Virginia, and getting the concealed-carry permit was as easy as falling off the proverbial log. And NRA's national headquarters, right here in Fairfax, Virgina - not far from the Paco Command Center - offers several outstanding courses in the use of handguns (not to mention the convenience of an excellent indoor firing range).


  1. The Kimber is an excellent .45 ACP!

    But let us not forget those other fine American firearms manufacturers: Smith & Wesson, Colt, Ruger, and others.

    But best get your orders in soon; there's a run on guns in America, for some odd reason.

  2. Jeff: A run on guns? Can't imagine why.

  3. there's a run on guns in America

    Probably because people are afraid that Holder Armory & Exporting, Ltd is gonna send all the guns to Mexico.

  4. Not to worry, the Chinese are always willing to beach a freighter full of knock-off AK's along some stretch of unused coastline.

  5. I've been following the Kimberlin saga, and I really hope somebody gets a hold of that worthless little buttnugget and gives him something to remember for life.

    Why is he out of prison anyway?

  6. Rebecca: That is a first rate question. I've been wondering the same thing.
