Friday, May 25, 2012

The Left’s new-fangled guerilla war against free speech

Even in an America that has become morally enervated, to a great extent, as a result of the steady drumbeat of tribal progressivism, it’s difficult to understand how people like this can continue to be at large. Read Patterico, Tiffany Gabbay and Stacy McCain on the ominous doings of Brett Kimberlin and his cabal of enablers (which includes George Soros’ Tides Foundation).

Somewhere, Bill Ayers is weeping bitter tears over a malicious fate that placed him and his revolutionary pretensions in the pre-internet era.

Update: The Nora Desmond of the Left weighs in.


  1. I'm waiting keenly for this Kimberlin guy to haul himself off to Afghanistan to confront any deployed solider-bloggers who may post from there about Kimberlin's record.

  2. Just imagine if the POTUS had the same mindset, and used the same tactics as this Kimberlin POS.

  3. Steve: I will pay for his one-way ticket.

  4. Yeah, I figure he's pretty much yesterday's news, and is just trying to horn in to capitalize on Kimberlin's notoriety.

  5. Tagging this as "guerrilla warfare" is valid, Paco, but we are actually looking at another form of domestic terrorism, one that is quasi-legal, or at least not taken seriously.

  6. Jeff: The ability of these d-bags to abuse the law is one of the most frightening things about the whole business, for sure.

  7. Deborah Leigh said...It is a demoestic terrorism, JeffS. And if we had a different DOJ everyone who engaged in it would be prosecuted. Perhaps bloggers will retaliate with suits of their own.

    Paco, why isn't Tiffany's piece linked?
