Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thank you, Valerie Jarrett

If Obama loses this November, it may well have something to do with his reliance on the bad advice dished out by his closest, and most radical, adviser.


  1. I suppose, in a fashion, we should be grateful for Jarrett's hold on Obama. Just imagine what he would have done if he had listened to competent advisers.

  2. Well, knowing the Chicago way, it's a dead-sure bet that somebody in the Combine has a firm grip on Bobo's short and curlies, and has ever since he first ran for office.

    That's SOP. No exceptions.

    Jarret is just the gripping hand.

  3. So. Obama really is Valerie Jarrett's finger puppet.

  4. Pretty much, Rebecca. Although "sock puppet" is closer, given what an empty suit Obama is.

  5. And who is pulling Jarrett's strings?
