Saturday, September 15, 2012

Another American value under attack

Free speech? The free exercise of religion? Yes, those are threatened. But I speak now of the suppression of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which seems to be, er, spreading (R-man, make sure your pun fees are paid up).


Anonymous said...

My parents claim I was born in the USA though they can only produce a photo copy of a Hawaiian birth certificate, but I must admit I never liked BP&J as a kid. Or ketchup. Or hot dogs. That sort of proves I'm a commie, huh? Guess I'll never be president.

RebeccaH said...

I must be a communist too, because while I can eat peanut butter, it's not a favorite, and I don't like roasted peanuts at all.

Yojimbo said...

Nuts to both of you. We need to preserve this liberty.

SwampWoman said...

I prefer my peanuts boiled.

If there are kids at the school with peanut allergies, considering that it IS a life-threatening reaction, I'd rather be safe than sorry. When (little) kids eat PBJs, it is an ugly situation. They get it EVERYWHERE. On the tables. On the floor. On the seats. On their clothes. On their faces. Sandwich pieces go sailing through the air. Trace amounts go everywhere. It gets transferred to door knobs and door frames and hair brushes and computer keyboards. Feet step on sandwich pieces and track it on rugs for circle time.

Paco said...

The Peanut And Cashew Organization strongly objects to these comments!

JeffS said...

This is "Control everyone for the problems of a few", nanny statism in a different format.

So....nuts to the nanny staters!

rinardman said...

Well, this whole topic just sticks to the roof of my mouth, so to avoid getting myself into a jam, I'm gonna get the hull outta here!

Paco said...

Dude, I knew I could count on you!

Yojimbo said...

You'll have to shell out some bucks to get the hull outta here.