Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Al, I know you're out there

The yankee government is closed today due to a snow storm that is blowing through the D.C. area, so I clomped around the Paco Command Center this morning and took some pictures (click to enlarge).

As storms go, this one's nothing to compare to what they've faced in the Midwest and the Northeast. Still, people in the capital region are such pansies about maneuvering in even a little bit of wintry precipitation that I wouldn't be surprised to hear reports of frozen bureaucrats strung out along Highway 50 and cannibalism in the remoter cul-de-sacs of Fairfax County. Kind of like a Jack London story, with BMWs instead of dog sleds.

Update: Every time I toy with the idea of retiring to Florida, I see a story about a killer sinkhole or an article about something like this.


  1. Beautiful, thanks for the pictures.

    You don't want to retire to Florida. Neither do I, even though we already are...but my preference would be Texas. If I had my druthers...

  2. My goodness, Paco, that little dusting is nothing compared to what we've got here in Ohio. The snow is so thick, wet, and heavy, that the trees are bending over.

    Don't retire to Florida. Aside from great beaches and Disney, it has absolutely nothing to recommend it except sinkholes, giant insects, sweltering temperatures in the summer, and roads clogged with little white-haired people who can't see over the steering wheel.

  3. Ever need reasons to NOT retire to Florida? Read Dave Barry's blog, especially the "Guess the State" posts.


  4. Iowahawk: Sequester and snow: both proving that DC goes into full nervous breakdown by the slightest inconvenience.

  5. Utah does get snow, Paco, but the locals are used to it, and are sensible, by and large.

  6. Weird pi failure - I can see the 1.bp one, but not the 2.bp ones.

  7. PS: can we site the mega-Mosque next to the mega-brothel? I forsee mega-trouble.

  8. Deborah said...PCC looks magnificent in white. But you get tired of shoveling, and dodging the snow pansies, you might seriously consider Texas with it's lack of the aforementioned, and abundance of heroes.

  9. Rebecca,
    You neglected to mention hurricanes as another reason to retire somewhere other than the Sunshine State.

  10. Wow. We got snow in Spring last year too (we're in Autumn now).

    Warm and dry is the best retirement climate. Sinkholes nightmare... no thanks.

    I hear some brothers called Marx at the Hotel de Cocoanut are selling land plots though. You can even get stucco!

  11. ...frozen bureaucrats strung UP along highway 50...

    Fixed it for you.

  12. North Florida doesn't have killer sinkholes. Sure, your slab may crack because of the clay oozing around underneath, but I prefer a cracked slab to plunging to my death.

    Mosquitoes are only in places where people don't have enough Muscovy ducks, aka mosquito (and other bug) terminators. I suppose you could shoot the mosquitos with rat shot if you don't appreciate duck poop on the sidewalk.

  13. Very good photos, love that snow. [Where we live you would be lucky to ever see it].

  14. and florida has gators! Rebecca and Michael covered the rest. 6 good reasons NOT to go. (Had this discussion with my cousin not long ago who was contemplating where to retire.)

  15. and florida has gators! Rebecca and Michael covered the rest. 6 good reasons NOT to go. (Had this discussion with my cousin not long ago who was contemplating where to retire.)
