Sunday, May 12, 2013

John Kerry, er, lurches from success to success

Russians not impressed.
Here’s an early sign of how successful the Obama administration’s plan to get Russia on board vis-à-vis Syria: Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, told the press today that Moscow will send air defense missiles to Syria after all.


JeffS said...

John Effin' Kerry always a major loser. He stayed on as a Senator only because of Kennedy influence, Heinz money, and a clueless electorate in the state of Massachusetts.

SwampWoman said...

Did Barry forget to tell him about that whole "flexible" thing with Putin now that he's won the election?

RebeccaH said...

If I were around Secretary Lurch I'd probably kick sand in his face too.

mojo said...

Kerry could fuck up a wet dream.