Thursday, August 8, 2013

An inspirational religious story

From atheist, Allahpundit (he's nothing if not evenhanded).


RebeccaH said...

Well, nobody else commented, so I will I guess.

There may well be a mundane explanation for this (priest driving by, walked up, did his thing, then humbly went his way without anybody noticing), but I like to believe that there are more things in heaven and earth than etc. etc. We don't understand the universe, God's creation, so how can we understand God, an entity beyond our little human comprehension?

Paco said...

Even if it wasn't a miracle, there is inspiration and beauty in a priest stumbling onto the scene, doing his work, and humbly (and anonymously) walking away.

Anonymous said...

Deborah.... RebeccaH and Paco, well said. It was pointed out at Allah Pundit that clergy are not supposed to seek glory in this world.

It's interesting that the scene played the way it did after the prayer. God's hand wax surely at work. Human or Heavenly, may God bless that angel. He already blessed Lens. Wonder what purpose He has in store for them....