Thursday, January 9, 2014

Captain Heinrichs emails me to say that I missed out

He's right about that: "North Carolina sheriff swaps Bonnie and Clyde-era ‘Tommy Guns’ for new arms".


JeffS said...

Yeah, that was a COOL find!

rinardman said...

At least they were found by people who still have some common sense. These days a lot of PDs would have destroyed them "to get them off the streets".

RebeccaH said...


Anonymous said...

Deborah .... Thankfully these pieces of history weren't destroyed as rinardman points out. It would be just as sad as when flags are "retired".There is a elementary school in Calabasas, California that destroyed several flags when it was discovered they had less than fifty stars. What a shame.

I wonder if other sheriffs are looking at their inventory.

Steve Skubinna said...

Also got some Glocks in .45. Probably 21s, one of which I have and is a solid pistol. Hey, 13 rounds of .45ACP can speak with a lot of authority.

Um, I mean one of which I had prior to that unfortunate canoe mishap.

Paco said...

Yeah, we really need to stop taking these things out on boats.

RebeccaH said...

I just gave my son the last gun I had from my father, a .22 Colt pistol with faux pearl handles, circa 1968. Not an especially valuable gun, or a great shooter, but really a nice looking pistol, and the only one I had left from the collection. And family history matters.

Paco said...

Rebecca: Sounds nice!

bruce said...

Anonymous said...

Deborah .... Rebecca, I'm sure he will cherish that family artifact as you did, and especially because it is you who passed it to him. When my Grannie passed I was given a showbox that she had put various items I had given her. There, carefully nested among her other keepsakes, was a dogwood pin that I had made from clay when I was ten. She had kept it all those years. It still gets to me.

Mojo said...

Me, I'm in Gold Country. Lots of old abandoned mine shafts.