Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Speaking of things blowing up unexpectedly...

...check out Patrick Poole's brief, yet comprehensive, summary of the spreading disaster that is the Middle East.


  1. But, but, but.....
    Arab Spring!!!!!!

  2. Like 'Irish Spring' but with a more pungent aroma.


  3. Like a new Plague.

    The now scorned 'Neocon' idealistic hopes were founded on more practical need to have influence at the centre of the infection: Iraq is always centre, not Afghanistan. Like the British Empire before it, spreading 'democracy' but also keeping the world safer by attacking infection near the source. Then as now the liberals mistake the ideals for the whole story, close down anti-plague bases and withdraw prematurely. Same mistake over and over.

  4. OT...

    Lauren Bacall R.I.P.


    Classy broad.

  5. I'll mourn Lauren Bacall's passing. She is certainly Iconic. Thanks for all the great memories, Ms Bacall. A life well lived. RIP.

  6. "The Islamic State is also preparing to target Saudi intelligence officials as they plan to open a front there, despite the fact that much of their funding has come from Saudi Arabia."
    Biting the hand that feeds. How long will the Saudis tolerate that?

  7. If you think it can’t get any worse, don’t worry: it will.

    Boy, sounds like a good time to go on vacation on Martha's Vineyard!
