Wednesday, June 3, 2015

In loco parentis

Emphasis on "loco":
Roughly one dozen students in Minneapolis, Minnesota, some as young as 11 years old, were taken on a private school-sponsored field trip to an adult novelty store last week, leaving some parents furious.

The director of the private Gaia Democratic School in Minneapolis, Starri Hedges, took the middle- and high school-aged kids to “Smitten Kitten” as part of a sex education lesson.
The Gaia Democratic School. Perfect.


Veeshir said...

I saw this story but you're the first to mention the name.

If you send your kids to the Gaia Democratic School you get what you deserve.

rinardman said...

What Veeshir said.

rinardman said...

From the Gaia Democrat school website's "Our Philosophy" page: We believe that this understanding of being one with the universe can raise people’s awareness about our environment, us and our function. This can lead to some positive changes that our planet desperately needs.

What our planet desperately needs is to be rid of the people who run Gaia Democratic School(s)!

SwampWoman said...

Sounds like a school being run by a bunch of pedophiles.

SwampWoman said...

Sounds like a school being run by a bunch of pedophiles.

RebeccaH said...

First off, I would never send my child to anything with the words "Gaia" or "Democrat" in the name. Shades of the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea.

bruce said...

"Democratic" but I doubt the kids voted for that excursion. Shouldn't the students be running the school? Or is "Gaia" the only one with an actual vote?

HAL9000 said...

Democratic like Terry Pratchett's fictional city of Ankh-Morpork, which operated under the principle of "one man, one vote." The ruler of the city was the man and he had the vote.