Monday, November 14, 2016

Nothings says, "We've learned our lesson about losing touch with the middle class"... a collection of elitist billionaires organizing resistance to a Trump presidency.


bruce said...

Redistribute these guy's wealth.

Paco said...

I will gladly accept a chunk of it.

rinardman said...

They don't want to be in touch with people in the middle class...they want to rule them.

Paco said...

True enough. One neck for one leash, as Ellsworth Tooie says, in The Fountainhead.

RebeccaH said...

Well, I'd say they're wasting their time on the Democratic Party, since it's been locked out of nearly everything, but those guys have a frightening amount of power and they don't hesitate to use it however they wish (example: post-election riots in our cities). But if they want war, then they shall have war.