Friday, November 4, 2016

Yes, by all means, let's give this woman the nuke codes


  1. If Hillary wins, I'm thinking of moving to Finland for the relatively sane and laid-back lifestyle...also that Finnish mead; and I'm not even American.

  2. I'm still waiting for the video of one of these tirades. Don't get me wrong, I want to see her in prison, but I'm sick of unnamed sources. Cutie actress Mila Kunis just delivered a manifesto about sexual harassment laid on her by some unnamed bigshot, and I'm inclined to believe it, but if names aren't named, and video's not provided, it didn't happen.

  3. Hillary's proximity to Bill Clinton, the only President to lose the nuke codes twice, is sufficient for me. No nukes for any Clinton.

    Robert "Buzz" Patterson, Military Attaché to President Clinton, details Hillary's tantrums in his book "Dereliction of Duty". According to his accounts, they were epic. She likes to throw things too.

  4. You're just not seeing the humor.
    If she has them, sooner or later Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and/or other nations will have them.
    That means when we nuke ourselves, it'll be Trump's fault.

  5. There have been stories and rumors about Hillary Clinton's temper and penchant for throwing things (usually at Bill) since his presidency. This isn't new stuff to anyone who's paid attention. What may be working now is her age, her health, and her supposed brain anomalies, so she may very well be having the kinds of screaming fits associated with onset dementia. In any case, she's complicit in a barn full of deceptions, corruption, broken laws, and outright meanness, so WHAT ELSE does America need to keep her out of the White House?

  6. Addendum: The other candidate may also be accused of some of that, but which one do you think will be held accountable, and which one hasn't ever been?

  7. She and her gang were ready to lynch Comey, who let her off again.

    She and her people are reckless and dangerous, and not in a good badass way. In a stupid get-your-friends-killed way.
