Friday, December 23, 2016

Bad guy dead

"Rookie Italian policeman guns down fugitive Berlin killer".


  1. Oh no! Now we'll never know why he did it!

  2. This is what you do with rabid animals, you put them down.

  3. This is what you do with rabid animals, you put them down.

  4. He was going to "slaughter infidels like pigs...." Wait. Isn't there some restriction against pork?

    And he was illegal.

    Why did the officer get shot? In the States, if a suspicious person who stated he had no papers, etc had reached for a backpack, there would be screams to stop, and if he didn't then he'd be shot.

    God bless the officers! Thankfully the rookie was a better shot than the terrorist. The rookie has a bright future. Terrorist, not so much.

  5. R.I.P.E. Rest in Pain Eternal.

    He went from Berlin yesterday morning to Milan early this morning. Nobody stopped him or flagged him down, despite an international arrest warrant. Three cheers for Schengen.

  6. Security like a steel sieve...

  7. In Germany the main problem is north Africans like this guy, congregating along the France border. They say he got a train to Italy from France, those trains just pass right through. He must have slipped into France while they held the Pakistani thinking he was the killer.

    Security is actually very good in Germany, everyone is documented, but this guy was exceptionally skilled as a criminal. I think he was a black swan, still they should have been ready for that too.

    Meanwhile here in Australia there was a group of 5 planning a mass terror attack on Christmas Day at the main train station. Lebanese led by an Egyptian. That's the city where my daughter lives and her mum is there now. I'm more worried for them, than for my son in Germany.

    How come all our terrorists and extremists are Lebanese? There are a lot of Lebanese in the US too, yet no threat, only in Australia.

  8. Bruce: I believe most of our Lebanese are Maronites (used to be, at least).

  9. Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser began the influx of Lebanese mohammedans into Australia back in 1983, against the advice of his security advisors.
    They were supposedly "refugees" from the civil war in Lebanon.

    What a maroon.
