Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Kerry chooses poorly - again

John, you can either be silent or be viewed as an obvious dumbass, your choice.


  1. Just looked up Malaysia, a democracy where Islam is the state religion in the constitution. Really John Kerry? Sez who?

  2. Israel can't both be democratic & Jewish, just like John F'in Kerry can't both be stupid & Catholic.

    Oh, wait, yes they can both be that.

  3. Kerry sets record as recipient of dumbass awards. Best in Show and Lifetime Achievement.

  4. Good grief. John Kerry makes idiots look like geniuses.

  5. The sad thing is that he thinks he is uttering profundities instead of bullsh**.

  6. Lurch attempts to remain relevant. Thing is, he ceased to be relevant when he threw his medals over the White House fence.

  7. My very Irish grandmother was a housekeeper for a family of Jewish doctors. The sons used to go and work on Kibbutzim in Israel, I think they have retired there now. People forget how left wing Israel used to be before 1967. Israel's enemies have persuaded everyone that Zionism was some sort of right wing plot, instead of part of the leftist emancipation and self-determination movements which swept the postwar world. There is a Yiddish word, Davka, which means something like strong debate, and is used to indicate a pluralism arising from Jewish culture. Why on earth would they have created Israel only to renounce their history? Does Kerry also say Russia has to give up Orthodoxy? Like Stalin tried to do?

  8. Actually 1967 has nothing to do with it either, that was my mistake. But Israel is a dynamic pluralist Jewish state, and there's nothing wrong or unusual about that. Every nation has its unique history and culture.

  9. Bruce,
    I think 1967 is relevant. By surviving the Arab attack, Israel not only infuriated them, it infuriated the USSR as well. From that point on Israel became a target for the global leftists. The Communist line about Israel being a 'colonialist settler community' (proposed by French commie Maxime Rodinsin) took hold as third-worldism and narratives of the oppressed became more prominent among lefties.

    I've read that Jean-Paul Sartre changed in 1967 from pro-Israel to anti-Israel. His explanation: I thought they were supposed to lose. It's OK to be sorry, in retrospect, for Jews massacred by genocidal enemies. Armed Jews defending themselves then, just to add injury to insult, winning, made many people nervous, even driving them to hysteria. I can only wonder why.
