Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Resist what?

The constitution? The peaceful transfer of power? Maybe if the Greenpissers ever come down off that crane they can clarify things for us.


  1. At first I thought it was "Resist Reality!" but then I realized it had to be:
    Resist We Much!!!!!

    The rest of the sign was torn off.

  2. Resist We Much

    Haw! If it had said that, I'd argue for leaving it up there.

  3. Nah, the Reverend Al is way too old to be climbing on a crane.

    Altho, maybe if there were some TV cameras up there...

  4. They can keep crying 'wolf!' all they like. We don't believe them any more.

  5. "Resist a return to law and order!"
    They want the promised NWO, ruled over by corrupt, elitist commies and fuelled by unicorn farts; the promised utopia in which it's open season on conservatives, Christians, white people and anyone else not toeing the latest leftist line.
    These people are completely insane and/or evil.
    They got sooooooo close they could almost taste it; then Trump snatched it out of their grubby, grasping paws.

    Personally, I'm amazed by what Trump is doing. Great stuff.


    After I hit 'publish' I realized there might be another explanation.
