Saturday, February 11, 2017

Throw him in jail or run him out of the country

Last week I asked why George Soros couldn't be prosecuted under RICO. In a good roundup of Soros' diverse efforts at worldwide destabilization, David Solway suggests it's doable.


  1. Judges, zillionaires, celebrities, people with too much power and it seems to be getting worse.

    We are so lucky that one billionaire(?) is a patriot who craves the adulation of ordinary people, like Richie Rich in the movie. And he's a talented hard-working leader and team-builder, a doer not a talker, who went against the elites. Rough edges and all, Mr Trump is so refreshing.

  2. I just keep hoping somebody shoots that evil old man.

  3. No one even knows where he lives, RebeccaH.

    1. Oh, someone knows alright. And for enough money.... Hope someone takes the old evil bastard out, very soon.

  4. Hungary was his first NGO's base and they are throwing them out now:

    "Open Society", "civil society", how dare he use those terms while pushing violent anarchy on us.

  5. Yeah, he's one malevolent bastard. I hate it when billionaires think they're so smart they can re-engineer entire societies to their own liking.
