Friday, July 7, 2017

Assortment (idiots edition)

It's a target-rich environment out there, my friends!

Progressive scribblers run for their safe spaces as President Trump calls for the defense of western civilization.

Remember that "doctor" from "California" who shot several people at a hospital in the Bronx? More fake news, courtesy of the NYT.

MSNBC attacks Trump because they just love the Constitution (guess they love it a whole lot more than they did during the Obama regime).

CNN discovers that a Tweet is a hydra-headed sort of thing; suppress one, and a dozen more arise to take its place.

OMG!!!! Muslim propagandist turns out to be...Muslim propagandist!!!!

Two distinguished film critics take up the question, which franchise is superior, Star Wars or Star Trek?

Probably just being modest: "McAuliffe Can’t Name a Leader of the Democratic Party".

Chris Christie's big beach adventure...


  1. I've spent 3 hours scouring all the links and all I can find to say is... Star Trek Rulez!!

  2. Virginia Governor - "I run the state of Virginia today. That's what I got elected to do and 66 percent of the state think we're headed in the right direction. People are happy in Virginia..."

    Dang, Paco. You're so lucky to live in a state of happiness!

    I live in a state of broke-ness.

  3. 'Jihad just means struggle'. Yes that's what Crusade means too.

  4. R-man: McAuliffe: "Be happy - or else!"

  5. Those are all so good, I can't pick just one.

  6. Coulter at her best.

  7. I thought your President's Warsaw speech was electrifying. I put it up there with Churchill's best.

  8. Old Sailor Man: It's certainly better than anything Obama ever read off his teleprompter.

  9. Somebody help that beached whale, is there a marine biologist anywhere?
