Monday, July 3, 2017

Beneath the dignity of the office?

Maybe. But I love it.


  1. Uh oh. Mr. Paco sir, Tim Blair is horning in on Paco Enterprises' clientele.

  2. I keep thinking - Yeah, Obo the Clown NEVER did anything that was 'beneath the dignity of the office'.


    You're right, Rebecca. This part of the offer really sounds like a Paco Enterprises advert: Just send $59.99 NOW and our trained technicians will soon be in your house. Send another $59.99 and they’ll eventually leave.

  3. Rebecca: It's ok. Blair is a Paco Enterprises Australian subsidiary.

  4. Back in the 1960s, this is how we imagined the future: a cool President who says what he thinks on modern communication media. Totally hip.

    While if you had said the press and civil servants were going to claim to be victims and do public Hamlet soliloquys, that would have been joke of the year on Laugh-In.

  5. Imagine a Laugh-In skit (echoing Prospero's final speech in The Tempest) :

    'O woe is me! Leader of the FBI, yet what strength do I have? Only in unclassified memos is my power preserved, or my plans are undone!'

    'And I, a Muslim convert in a heathen nation, who leads the CIA, what future have !?'

    What a joke they are. From J Edgar Hoover and Elliot Ness to this?

  6. Joke's on us, after Clinton, Obama and now Trump, the POTUSy has no dignity.
    Bush tried, but he was literally Worse Than Hitler!!!!
