Saturday, July 1, 2017


Tim Blair celebrates 16 years of blogging excellence.


  1. Ahh yes, the good old days. That's where I was introduced to Paco, kae and the swift sword of moderator Andrea Harris. I've been a lurker at Tim's since 2006 and here at Paco Enterprises since its grand opening. Along with Lileks, these two sites are still daily reads.

  2. I still miss the old Spleenville days. We had some parties. I still read Blair (and Lileks, and Instapundit, and...)

  3. 16 years! I first ventured upon Tim Blair in 2002. I still read him, but I don't comment anymore. He hasn't lost his touch.

  4. Time flies, when you're having fun, I guess. Not sure when I 'discovered' Blair's blog. Must have been '04 or '05. I just read for a long time, then lost my blog commenting virginity there, and I've never been the same since. Stopped commenting when he went proper, but still like reading and checking on Australian news & views.
