Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sunday funnies

Hamster develops a near-fatal magnetic personality (H/T: Mrs. Paco).

Woman invents a breakfast robot (back to the drawing board).

What happens when you combine physics and too much time on your hands...

Summer reading list (I've actually read Heart of a Dog, a marvelous anti-communist satire).

I think I'm going to ask for my money back...

Totally unfake video of CNN gif guy offering an honest, voluntary apology.


  1. I think you have to take the Snake-A-Way out of the bag.

    Snakes can't read.

  2. The hamster story doesn't seem right. Why didn't it get attached to the fridge? Why didn't poor hamster vociferously protest being stuck to the cage? Plus, the lack of food and water?
