Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Hillary Clinton: crooked and stupid

No surprise, really, but according to the Washington Post, Cankles and the sleazemeisters at the DNC paid for the research that led to the infamous dossier purporting to show Trump cozying up with the Russians.

I don't think anybody but the most die-hard Hillary worshipers believe that the dossier has any genuine validity, so...money spent on a smear campaign that failed to make a difference in the election anyway. Hence, crooked and stupid.

Update: BTW, note this interesting comment from the article: "Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary."

RINO sabotage?


bruce said...

It's scarier because you can tell she's not all there (just enough to do real mischief and make her and Chelsea rich).

Bucky said...

WaPooPoo breaking a small scandal to pre-empt a much larger scandal?

RebeccaH said...

I'd feel better if I knew these people were going to jail. But they won't.