Sunday, December 10, 2017

Former wanna-be Führer warns America about the dangers of Fascism

I rarely cite the Huffington Post, but this article includes a comment that is absolutely priceless.

Jughead McLightworker, whose reign is now blissfully ended, said in an interview with HuffPo that “'You have to tend to this garden of democracy, otherwise things can fall apart fairly quickly. And we’ve seen societies where that happens,' he told interviewer Mellody Hobson, president of Ariel Investments, after defending institutions such as freedom of religion and freedom of the press. (Obama admitted, however, that the latter sometimes drove him 'nuts' during his time in the White House [emphasis mine - Paco])".

Yeah, because, you see, there's real freedom - such as the right to keep your health insurance or your doctor - and there's bogus freedom, which is really just hate crime, such as the right not to have to bake a gay wedding cake, or the right - also a hate crime (if not treason) - to criticize left-wing foreign policy and unlimited immigration.

As Obama's legacy continues to fall apart (like the statue of Ozymandias, only at a much faster rate) we can probably expect more self-serving bleats to escape through his pursed, disapproving lips. I imagine he'll eventually wind up like Norma Desmond, watching old videos of his time in the spotlight (with Valerie Jarrett assuming the role of faithful servant Max von Mayerling, lighting his cigarettes - but only when Michelle is away).

(Image gratefully lifted from Evil Bloggerlady)


  1. "You're Barack Obama. You used to be in pictures. You used to be big.

    I *am* big. It's the *pictures* that got small."

    I got a great idea, a new version of Salome with Obiwan Malbarkey as the star. No no, Hamlet.

  2. I'm reveling in the thought of Obama's frustration and bitter tears at watching the dismantling of his horrible "legacy".

  3. Obama's tears over ice, with a twist of lemon...delicious...
