Friday, March 16, 2018

One down...

...and a lot more who ought to go: FBI’s Andrew McCabe Fired.

Update: I sure hope justice eventually catches up with this deep state scoundrel.


  1. He's squawking about how he's the victim of some vast conspiracy - yeah an army of Davids and deplorables.

    Psychological testing should have prevented him from ever being in the FBI, judging by his present ranting - totally irresponsible and cowardly, take it like a man!

    But his fear is interesting, as if he knows of a silent majority who will restore sanity if his Comey/Strzok faction is kept under pressure. That's encouraging.

  2. There's a lot of hysteria in Leftyland. Seriously unhinged Tweets promising terrible retribution from an aroused America. What it looks like to me is they're in the bunker moving imaginary armies around the map and railing at their incompetent and unfaithful generals.

    Yeah, I Godwinized it. So sue me. I wish I could think of a similar analogy from the USSR, which would be more ideologically suitable for these apparatchiks. They can no longer keep their corruption under wraps, it's coming to light faster than they can explain it away, and it's driving them nuts.

  3. Sometimes only Godwin will do.

  4. Roger Simon (has a link at Instapundit) believes the wrath of God is about to fall on the FBI in general, and it's not a minute too soon in my book. They're all bleating about Trump's war on the FBI, but what about the FBI's war on all of us?

  5. What's all this 'McCabe was singled out' baloney? One down more to go as you say. We know there's a cabal.

  6. Over at Gateway Pundit there are several articles featuring threats from the likes of Holder, Brennan, Samantha Power and a motley assortment of media and Deep State operatives against President Trump for the firing of McCabe.

    All these powerless people in hysterics, jumping up and down, screaming threats.
