Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mama Doc

One of Grandma Ada's favorite stories was about the time she caught her daughter Abrose - at the time 6 years old - posing in front of a mirror. Aunt Abby had draped a quilt over her shoulders to form a robe, and had stuck some dandelion flowers in her hair as a makeshift crown. Grandma never failed to crack up as she repeated, in the highly melodramatic tone Abby had used when uttering the phrase out loud while regarding her person in the mirror, "The Queen of all America!" To the end of her life, Abby, God rest her soul, blushed and grinned sheepishly whenever Grandma told the story. You see, Aunt Abby understood the great chasm that exists between childish fantasies and the actual realities of our lives, and was mildly embarrassed to have been caught out, even as a child, in a perfectly normal, but, nonetheless, farcical (to an adult) pretense.

Not so Michelle Obama, who still fancies herself a member of what passes for American royalty: "Michelle Obama Declares Herself America’s ‘Forever First Lady’".

A level of self-regard ten feet tall and made of Kevlar.


  1. In a battle of inflated egos I don't know if Michelle or Bronco Bama would win. We could make a three-way fight and toss HRC into the mix.

  2. Let's make sure she never gets the chance to declare herself "America's Forever President"!

  3. "In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night!"

    Hey get ready for HH Princess Meghan Markle. Nice girl and has mastered all the moves, but I think Harry has bitten off more than he can chew. She'll get bored and frustrated.

    1. Bruce, are you really her brother, or just been reading his warnings?

  4. Oh, if only Scowly Michelle knew what most Americans really think of her.

  5. Michelle must have been looking into the Mirror of Erised. Albus Dumbledore told Harry Potter it shows our "deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts."

  6. Deb: Then my old granny would have laughed at her, too.

  7. Michelle doesn't have an ego problem -- it's more like megalomania.
