Monday, October 15, 2018

Fauxcahontas strikes back at Great White Father

Elizabeth Warren, long beset by skeptics over her claim to Native-American ancestry, released a DNA report that shows that she may be as little as 1/512th "indigenous" (another report suggests her Native-American ancestry may be as microscopic as 1/1,024th). Naturally, she's insisting that President Trump pay off on his $1 million bet.

But as the linked post indicates, most Indian tribes insist on anything from 1/16th to as much as 1/4th Native-American ancestry in order to claim tribal membership.

Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that I had more Tuareg or Ainu blood than Warren has Indian genetic material.

UPDATE: LOL! Elizabeth Warren may have less Indian blood than the average white american.

UPDATE II: Isophorone, in the comments - "Now I'm going to call her PICOHONTAS!"

UPDATE III: Dennis Miller Tweet - "Oh for god's sake! I'm pretty sure George Custer had more American Indian blood than that."

UPDATE IV: I've submitted Elizabeth Warren's claim to testing, also...


  1. Now I'm going to call her PICOHONTAS!

  2. It would be great if Trump had a DNA result showing more "native American" blood that Picohontas.

  3. Aaaand it turns out that Warren's DNA wasn't even tested against American Indian DNA. They used samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia, because most north American Indians won't have their DNA tested (suspicions about the intent of the government gathering samples). I don't think there are many Cherokees in Mexico, Peru, or Colombia. Fauxcahontas may be more Spaniard than she is anything close to American Indian (but only 1/64th to 1/1076th).

  4. Since the average non-African human genome has about 2 percent Neandertal DNA, Fauxcahontas is undoubtedly more Neandertal than Cherokee. How embarrassing for the Neandertals!
