Monday, October 29, 2018

I don't understand that decision at all

It appears to me that it's the most efficient and economical way of moving her from place to place. I mean, let's face it, she's not exactly petite, and she has a tendency to fall over like an improperly moored inflatable snowman on somebody's lawn in a strong wind during the Christmas season. She can also be tied down, which not only provides stability but keeps her from bumping into things after "one too many." And if her weight is an issue, they're now making these things out of galvanized steel, as well as wood. So I don't quite see the reason...

Oh, wait. He said "ballot", not "pallet". Never mind!
Terry McAuliffe: Hillary Clinton ‘Is Never Going to Be on a Ballot Again’


  1. Wheel her around on a pallet like a pagan idol. Devotees can throw themselves under the wheels.

  2. Maybe it's finally penetrated her alcohol-soaked brain that people just don't like her. Which is why I don't understand why she thinks she could "help" other Democrat candidates.

  3. I don't know how to link at Insty and Ace and all the rest but you, Paco, are too good to spend your bloglife wasting away here.

  4. Very kind of you to say so, Jonah. Maybe I ought to start linking my own stuff elsewhere.
