Thursday, October 11, 2018

Question before the house

Is this whole "support animal" thing being carried too far? Woman and her "emotional support squirrel" kicked off plane in Orlando.


  1. Arnold Ziffel doesn't need any human escort.

  2. Torok, who said she received a voucher from Frontier for a free flight, flew to Cleveland the next morning without her emotional support animal.

    So much for needing emotional support on a flight. Anybody else think this whole kerfuffle was about getting a free flight? If I had been forced off that plane so that the police could remove that fat bag, and missed a connection or an appointment, or an interview or anything at all, I'd look into a civil suit against her.

  3. An emotional support ... ... squirrel?

    That sounds rather ... ... squirrelly.

  4. I can't take my emotional support Bunyip on the plane, either.

  5. The "support animal" thing got too far the first time I saw a dog in the grocery store.

    Of course everyone around me had to talk baby talk to the animal and it's owner, leaving me to stand there like the only non-medicized person within 10 square miles.

  6. I mean I like dogs just fine but damn.
