Thursday, October 18, 2018

So, what's it going to be?

Jobs or mobs?

Meh. We'll probably have the mobs in any event, but at least let's hope they're not in charge.


  1. Put another way: Ring Masters or clowns.

    One of our cats (Tig) is sure that his tail is out to get him. He glares at it with such disapproval then chases it in circles. There was a yeowl when he succeeded. In other instances, he runs around the room, looking back over his shoulder, attempting to escape. Tig has much in common with the SJWs. It might be his tender age... or not.

  2. Every Republican candidate in the country should include that image in their campaign. A succinct visual summation of the two parties.

    As a commenter in the PJW video explaining NPCs pointed out, the letters preceding the letters NPC spell MOB.

  3. Tig is an SJW, cat power!

    1. Tig was named after John "Tig" Tiegen, a Benghazi survivor because he was fearless and athletic in his earlier kittenhood. Now, he is sweet and still able to run, but not able to climb like before due to his girth. He's a year and a half, and weighs over 20 pounds.

  4. Trump has already solved the jobs problem, so naturally the Dummycrats are going with mobs.
