Monday, October 22, 2018

That's some pretty fast walking

James Woods is a tad skeptical about the Central American horde "marching" toward our southern border.


  1. NWO
    They(yes, a higgledy-piggledy collection of assorted, globalist, elitists and misanthropes have decided the future of the world, and are determined to implement their plans; and to heck with what people want) are determined that borders and traditional U.S.A. will be destroyed.

  2. Jonah, like I know anything.October 23, 2018 at 3:36 AM

    An intelligence gathering bonanza, one would think.
    Target: this new lefty government of Mexico.
    How much help are they giving, etc.
    Hopefully we have some people embedded there.

    At least I would if I was head of CIA.

  3. Woods credits the horde with 20 miles per day. That is the rate of a trained, disciplined and well conditioned army. Obviously there is more to this "caravan" than is being reported.

  4. It seems the horde also includes a goodly number of Middle Easterners and North Africans as well.

  5. The Reconquista movement's goal was to take back the continent by numbers based on reproduction and like-minded immigrants. This "caravan" is probably the latest epiphany to fast-track their agenda.

    1. Edit. It should read "The Reconquista movement's goal is....".

  6. Bus the core from town to town, then pay locals to pose in the photos to boost the numbers. Sort of like how Dems manage election day.

  7. Very shrewd speculation, Bruce. Wouldn't be a bit surprised if there's a lot of that going on.
