Friday, October 26, 2018

This idiot

Update II and bumped: Curiouser and curiouser.

Update and bumped:
C'mom, man! Another fake Indian? From Breitbart: "Per the Associated Press, it appears Sayoc may not have any real claim to Native American heritage. A Seminole tribal spokesman says he is not a member, and a relative says that his parents were Italian and Filipino. Sayoc’s cousin suggests he may have started to identify as Native American after dating a Minnesota woman in 2015 who was a member of a tribe."

Muppet-faced Democratic California congressman Jared Huffman says that the faux-bomb suspect is “right out of central casting from a Trump rally.”

So, this would be a foreshadowing of Trump supporters, right?


  1. Is he at least 1/1024th native American?

  2. Well, as a once prominent Dimocrat operative said..."What difference, at this point, does it make?" The drive-by media has their narrative set, and nothing will change that. The story will be that he was a rabid Trump supporter, and all Trump supporters are members of a lunatic fringe that wants to attack innocent Dimocrats any chance they get. So, if we get rid of Trump, we get rid of the problem. And that story line will be repeated every hour, on the hour...right up until November the 6th.

    Then, having served it's purpose, it'll never be heard from again.

  3. It's a silly circus with the big Dimocrats demanding we feel their pain, without any actual evidence they were ever under threat except say-so and the poorly phrased FBI director's statement which suggests that a handful of kitchen items (matches?) in an envelope are some sort of high threat. It's all too much like an episode of a TV crime show, which are usually unrealistic.

    I'm seeing the Dimocrats as just manipulative dramatists trying to get attention by guilt-tripping the audience and that's about it, whether based on actual or staged events I don't care, because sociopaths are opportunists as well as fabulists.

  4. The Democrats have nothing left but their lust for power, and any chaos will do to grease the rails under their train to hell.
