Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Well, maybe they'll eat all those extra mosquitoes

"Tens of thousands of frogs and toads have taken over the North Carolina coast after months of record-setting weather".


  1. Yeah it turns out actually that seven plagues thing is natural, first the locusts, then the rats feed on them, then the snakes feed on the rats...

    So I've noticed that snakes around here like frogs. I think the snakes feel the frog croaking and are drawn to it. Just saying.

  2. So y'all living in the Carolinas have to, ummm, hop to it, right?

    boom, tish!

    Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. Do try the veal!

  3. Bruce beat me to the plagues thing. Mother Nature has a plan, and we're lucky if we fit into it, and completely stupid to think we can do anything about it. I'm reminded of one year when I was a child, the county we were living in put a bounty on coyotes because they had been killing the ranchers' sheep and newborn calves. Great, no more coyotes. Then the following year, the county was completely overrun with rats, so much so that our dog was killing six or seven rats a night in our front yard, all summer long.

    1. When I lived in Arizona, they killed coyotes which led to a spike in the rabbit population. The coyotes came back.
