Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Short on memory or long on hypocrisy?

I'm going with "long on hypocrisy", but he definitely was hoping that everybody else has a short memory.

Talking airhead Joe Scarborough recently invited Al Sharpton onto his program to decry President Trump's alleged racism; however, long ago, when Scarborough was a Republican (!) congressman, he actually introduced a resolution condemning Sharpton's anti-Semitism.

Elsewhere among former and/or fake Republicans, Max Boot apparently is still packing his steamer trunk.

Maybe he's waiting for a rousing sendoff. Ok, here you go Max...


  1. Short on memory or long on hypocrisy?

    I wouldn't discount "sheer stupidity".

    And who the heck is "Max Boot"? Sounds like a German brand of footwear.

  2. Lord in Heaven, I wish they all would just shut up.

  3. He's defending Comey and Clinton, really?

    No doubt he has all sorts of mental gymnastics, but as an outsider I believe I've seen enough to discern Hillary's obviously evil nature.

    Her defenders tie themselves up in knots and my response is, 'Really? Really? That's the ground you've decided to make your stand on?'

  4. And Obama accuses others of having Mommy issues?

  5. Bruce: The comment about "Mommy issues" is extremely rich coming from Obama.
