Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sunday funnies

Farm kid writes letter home after joining the Marines (just a joke, son, but has a true ring to it).

Via a friend of mine (career Navy).

From Powerline's special holiday post, "Thanksgiving in Pictures".

Jigsaw puzzles just got real interesting.

Now, that's a war dance.


bruce said...

Edward Everett Horton on F Troop. Never noticed before.

Deborah said...

Great assortment! So many standouts! Thanks, Paco!

RebeccaH said...

Now I can't get Obama Lama Ding-dong out of my head. Thanks, Paco. ;-)

Mike_W said...

Ha! "Your loving daughter".
Still, I'd prefer she was home and breeding lots of replacements.

Just chillin' in the sink kinda reminds me of my own philosophy regarding the mysteries of: life, the universe and everything, lately.