Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Brave new world (or "Back to the drawing board")

"World's First Robot Hotel Fires Half Of Its Robots". Looks like there were a few glitches:
One guest complained that the virtual assistant robot Churi placed in every hotel room kept waking him up by saying, "Sorry, I couldn't catch that. Could you repeat your request?" because of the guest's snoring.
Much more detail in this Daily Mail article.


RebeccaH said...

There's a solution for when a robot won't leave you along so you can sleep: pick the damn thing up and fling it across the room. Better yet, fling it into the hallway and let the staff try to guess which room it came from.

Veeshir said...

What, no killing spree?
Hollywood lied to me yet again.

Paco said...

Yeah, I was kind of expecting some kind of West World vibe...