Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

Late post, but we were on the road returning Maggie to her home in Virginia Beach (sad).

Hope everyone knew where they were when they woke up today (unlike one singularly unusual New Year's day I experienced some 40 years ago). Best wishes to you all, and may President Trump continue to fill the waiting rooms of psychiatrists with media personalities, Democrat politicians, Hollywood resistance snakes and GOP-e poseurs through the coming year.


  1. Yes very best wishes to all.

    Sorry for occasional rants, happy to correspond with anyone especially fellow Australians. Paco should still have my email.

    It gets harder to remember what year it is now, as I get older.

    1. Bruce, as you say in OZ, "No worries, mate". Share whatever whenever. We're glad to have you and all our Aussie friends.

      May 2019 be happy, healthy, and prosperous!

  2. Everyone, may 2019 be blessed!

    Paco, hopefully Maggie will be back soon. Do you have Christmas pictures that you'd like to share, please.

    1. PS Never snuck out to go, but there have been times when I made excuses to stay home or leave early. Now, since we are still new to the area we don't get many invites. We attended two in 2018. Looking forward to a crawfish boil in a few months.

      Paco, after having immunity from the blogspot grand inquisitor for a long time, it is now uncertain of my humanity. I know there is probably nothing you can do. Just frustration bubbling up.

  3. New Years Day 1983, that VW bug crashed and abandoned at the base of the Krogers sign in Clarksville, TN, well Danny Rivera blamed me for it but I wasn't driving, I was just supposed to keep Bruton, the driver, awake, but I snoozed off in the passenger seat. He followed the fog line down the ramp and bang.

    OK, it was my fault.

  4. Oh!...last night? Twilight Zone Marathon! Sometimes cable TV gets it right.

    1. I love the TZM! What's some of your favorites? I like "All tge time at last", "Will the real Martian please stand up", "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the one with George Takei. It's interesting that the Outer Limits series is never shown.

  5. Happy New Year to all. We are currently in Florida, just yards from the beach, and it has been nothing but rain, fog, and wind for the whole month of December. I am not enjoying life on the Concrete and Strip Mall Coast amid the Jurassic ferns pretending to be trees.

  6. Maybe they didn't want you to get homesick. Hopefully, you'll get some sunshine (not the liquid kind) before your return home. Please enjoy all manner of seafood for me! Ooo, lobster, oysters, langostinos, scallops,....

  7. Deborah, Beauty..., Number 12 looks just like you, Masks, Willoughby, Over the Rim with Cliff Robertson, the one with Lois Nettleton because she was so beautiful, Two, w/ Bronson & Elizabeth Montgomery, the one with the kid who turned that poor guy into a jack in the box.

    Somehow the Outer Limits never quite measured up to that awesome intro IMO.
